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On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

What happens when one step of the title is missing? Among the three of them, "Go" could possibly be the most important of all, but so too is "On Your Mark" and "Get Set". Without the two of them, the runners will not know when to get their mind and body locked in for the race; Without "Go", the race will never start. Which is worse? Neither. They are equally crucial. It is like a process, a procedure that gets athletes ready for their match.  When we apply them in life, they are no different. Our life is a process, we have to know when and how to get ready, and when to launch ourselves. If you get ready, but never launch yourself, what are you preparing for? On the other hand, without getting ready, how are you going to launch yourself?  We can't expect ourselves to go from 0 to 100 in one day, it accumulates, day by day. What we can do then is to enjoy the process and embrace the pain that happens in between. We might not even be able to get...

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