Not Everything Has to be Perfect

Perfection, also defined as the state or quality of being perfect, faultless and flawless. It certainly seems nice to be able to achieve perfection in every single thing you do, but we missed out one crucial point here, that is, are you striving for perfection due to social pressure? Or are you striving for perfection because you really dedicated your time and effort into doing something you like and enjoy?

More often that not we choose to be the one aiming for perfection due to social pressure. We live under people's fear. They radiate their inner insecurity towards us, and so unfortunately, we are affected. We decide to do things their way, we forget who we are, why we started and when we completed a task, we wonder, "Why am I here?" That's when you find yourself in a state of misery. However, is it possible to get right back on track after all the wandering? The only way then is to connect back with the inner you, that means nobody can help you except yourself. You have to hold on to your virtue, you have to learn to let your virtue guides you, step by step. It is indeed a slow process, but soon you will get there. Never underestimate the importance of baby steps, because when you look back at them, they are truly no small thing.

If you are eyeing for perfection because you give it your all to something, you have to question yourself, "Do I really enjoy this? Or do I fake myself to enjoy it?" When you truly calm down, in a quiet space with no distraction, only you and yourself, you might find something surprising. You might realize that, "Oh crap, this isn't what I want, it's just something I was made to believe what I want." It is not shocking that when we truly listen to our inner self, we find that what we TRULY wanted is far from what we BELIEVE we wanted. It is common since in this distorted society, when we are commonly under the "supervision" of others, what others have to say about us has slowly justified the way we act. 

Is perfection really that cool? It might be, but it shouldn't be something you hold on to that intensely. Because when we desire something, aim for something, eye for something and strive for something, we often attach our own emotions like happiness to it. When we fail to achieve it, we might experience intense sorrow. That is not to say experiencing emotions is wrong, but why tie yourself to something that doesn't belong to you in the first place? Once you leave this world, all is gone. People won't remember what you did, sure they might remember upon the first few years of your death, what about in the upcoming 10, 20, 30 years or more. Are people still going to remember? Certainly not. Even if they do, what about the next century, millennium, decem millennium? 

Perhaps next time when you catch yourself in a tug-of-war situation, ask yourself, "Does this belong to me?" If it does, go for it; If it doesn't, think twice before you go. 
